25 November 2008

New MicroSat Radar in C#

I am writing a new version of MicroSat Radar in C# 2008 and .NET 3.5.

MicroSat Radar is a DNA microsatellite detection program that scans DNA sequences and reports potential microsatellite sites (base pair repeats).

The original MicroSat Radar was written in Delphi and has been used by graduate students in the biology department of UT Austin. It has a simple user interface that allows the entry of the DNA sequence and the parameters of the scan. The results appear in a list box in the UI.

My goal for version 2 is to leverage the new features of C# 2008 and extend the basic design to allow savign the results of scans, creating a database of sequences and results, and improving detection by checking the reverse sequence.

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